ANL-9107Nx regular version Non-contact Radar Level Transmitter

Widely used in industries like chemicals, petrochemicals, water treatment, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, papermaking, metallurgy, and more. Particularly suitable for level measurement in storage tanks, reactors, process vessels, agitation tanks, and other equipment. The ANL-9107Nx provides stable and reliable measurement solutions for high-temperature, high-pressure, corrosive media, or media containing solid particles.

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Price: 0.00 USD


High Measurement Accuracy: The ANL-9107Nx supports measurement ranges up to 80 meters with a resolution of 0.1mm and an accuracy of ±2mm, ensuring precise level data across various application environments.

Versatile Applications: Suitable for level measurement of both liquids and solids in containers with nozzle diameters of 50mm or larger. Its robust capabilities cater to various industries, including chemicals, petrochemicals, water treatment, food & beverage, and more.

Environmental Tolerance: With an IP68 protection rating, the product withstands harsh environments like moisture and dust. It also features explosion-proof designs, ensuring safe operation in hazardous areas.

Diverse Signal Outputs: Supports 4-20mA/HART7 two-wire and four-wire signal outputs, compatible with various communication protocols such as Profibus PA/DP, Ethernet-APL, Modbus, providing flexibility for integration into existing systems.

Remote Monitoring & Adjustment: Enabled with Bluetooth 5.0 wireless communication (compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 LE), the ANL-9107Nx can seamlessly connect to mobile devices using the Radar MobileManager APP for remote monitoring and adjustments, enhancing maintenance efficiency.

Intuitive Display & Adjustment: Optional display modules include 160x80 LCD FSTN RGB backlight, 128x64 OLED, or 230x240 LCD TFT color displays, offering a user-friendly interface for on-site operations and debugging.

Multiple Housing Materials: Available in aluminum, stainless steel, and plastic, catering to different application requirements. The compact and easy-to-install design comes in single-chamber and double-chamber versions.


ANL-9107N Antenna coupler material PTFE Antenna coupler material PEEK N60 (cool module version)
Max. measuring range 30M / 55M / 70M / 80M
Tx/Rx frequency Tx/Rx frequency 24.05.2 to 26.60GHz Dynamic FM Sweep Bandwidth 2GHz
(The adjustment FM range can be customized according to the ISM requirements of the customer’s region)
Near blind spot < 150mm from the antenna horn down edges
Meas. Principle FMCW Radar System
Lens Antenna Medium Φ46mm / Φ76mm/ Φ96mm/ Φ118mm
Antenna beam / Gain Beam angle 6°… 16° / Gain 20 … 28 dB
Meas. Resolution 0.1mm
Meas. Accuracy ±2 mm (<30m range)
Ambient temperature -40 … +85 °C -60 … +105 °C
Process temperature -40°C … up to +200°C
-40°C … +350°C (with Belt Cooling Neck)
-60°C … up to +300°C
-60°C … +450°C (with Belt Cooling Neck)
Process pressure -0.6 ~ +3.5 MPa -1.0 ~ +5.0 MPa
Process connection Thread from G1½; 1½ NPT; flanges from DN50
Signal output 4-20 mA/HART7 2-wire, 4-20 mA/HART7 4-wire, Profibus PA / DP, Ethernet-APL, Modbus protocol 4-wire
Variables influencing meas. accuracy

 Specifications for the digital measured value:

       Temperature drift - Digital output: ±0.2mm/10K, max. 5 mm

       Additional deviation through electromagnetic interference acc. to EN-61326: < ±10 mm 

Specifications apply also to the current output

     Temperature drift - Current output: < 0.03 %/10K; < 0.01 %/10K or 0.15 % Max (for N60)

 Deviation in the current output due to digital/analogue conversion

       Non-Ex and Ex-ia version: < ±1μA; Ex-d-ia version: < ±1μA 

       Additional deviation through electromagnetic interference acc. to EN-61326: < ±150μA

Indication/Adjustment (LOI)

 1. 160x80 LCD FSTN RGB backlight monitor adapter with keyboard module, operation Temp. -20°C … 70°C. 

       or 128x64 OLED monitor adapter with keyboard module, operation Temp. -55°C … 80°C. (option)

      or 230x240 LCD TFT colors monitor adapter with keyboard module, operation Temp. -20°C … 70°C. (option only for 4-wrie system)

2. (APP) Radar MobileManager via BT wireless connection

3. (PC software) Radar PCManager /or Via a PC with PACTware/DTM (an interface converter AiW-305 USB CONNECT is required)

Power supply 16V ~ 40 VDC / Load resistor > 600Ω
Wireless communication Bluetooth 5.0 (Bluetooth 4.0 LE compatible), communication range 40m, in rainy day 20m
Approvals CLEx/CNEx: Ex ia IIC T6 Ga IP68; Ex d IIC T6 Gb IP68 // SIL2 (No. 6G230714.CSETW61)
Housing Single chamber / Double chamber, Aluminum / Stainless steel / Plastic PBT, IP66 / IP67 / IP68

Measurement application in liquids, solids, the nozzle diameter >=50 mm,Suitable for storage containers, reactors and process vessels process conditions.

Document Download ANL-9107_catalog_EN Binder V.2024


The following dimensional drawings represent only an extract of all possible versions. Detailed dimensional drawings can be downloaded at "Drawings".

Optional components

ANL-LCM12864-OLED Radar Level Gauge OLED LOI Module

ANL-LCM12864-OLED Radar Level Gauge OLED LOI Module

CHINASIMBA LCM-DM12864-OLED display module, it is suitable for 2-wire radar level transmitter systems and is the best choice for applications in cold regions. In the cold northern regions, under the climate condition of -40 degrees Celsius, the radar level transmitters LOI should be guaranteed to display normally adapter. [READ MORE]

ANL-TFT320x240-Colors Radar Level Gauge TFT LOI Module

ANL-TFT320x240-Colors Radar Level Gauge TFT LOI Module

Introducing the CHINASIMBA TFT320x240-Colors Display Module, a cutting-edge solution designed to elevate user experience and enhance operational efficiency. This high-resolution (320x240 pixels) color display boasts rich color capabilities, delivering vivid visuals and accurate data display for radar level gauge systems. Ideal for dark, poorly lit, or cold environments, the module seamlessly integrates with 4-wire radar level transmitters, providing comprehensive operation parameters and facilitating efficient on-site debugging. [READ MORE]

Remote indicator via Serial communication (LRD-21)

Remote indicator via Serial communication (LRD-21)

The LRD-21 is an advanced serial communication remote indicator specifically designed for remote configuration and monitoring of radar level transmitters. Through its Local Operator Interface (LOI), users can effortlessly adjust and set up radar level transmitters for precise level measurement and monitoring. [READ MORE]

Remote indicator with HART compatible (RDM-25)

Remote indicator with HART compatible (RDM-25)

The RDM-type tank-side gauge serves as a remote indicator fully compatible with the HART protocol, enabling users to remotely configure and monitor radar level transmitters through a HART communicator. [READ MORE]

ANL-9107 24GHz FMCW radar level Gauges Overview

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