ANL/AiW-4120MP60 非接触式智能雷达液位计




價格: 0.00 USD


■ 122GHz频率FMCW雷达系统.
■ 适用于测量固体、液体等介质
■ 应用于化工行业反应罐,并可工作于蒸汽环境。


ANL/AiW-4120MP60 (增强型G2-¼塑料外壳版本)

ANL/AiW-4120MP60 外壳/天线材料POM 外壳/天线材料PTFE Note
最大量程 10M/18M/20M/30M/40M 40M only for HART/IO-Link/APL version
盲区 < 100mm from the Antenna down surface
测量频率 Tx/Rx frequency 120 to 125GHz Dynamic FM Sweep Bandwidth 1~5GHz
(The adjustment FM range can be customized according to the ISM requirements of the customer’s region)
测量方法 FMCW Radar System, TX power -3dBm (not included antennas), RX Input compression point -20dBm & Gain 10dB (not included antennas)
透镜天线材质 POM Φ60mm PTFE Φ60mm Material exposed to tank atmosphere
天线波束角 / 增益 Beam angle 6°/ Gain 25.8dB Beam angle 4.5°/ Gain 31.7dB
测量分辨率 0.1mm (<10m range) Depends on the bandwidth and range
测量精度 ±1mm (<10m range) / ±2mm (18m/20m range) / ±4mm (30m/40m range)
环境温度 -40 … +85 °C -40 … +85 °C
过程测度 -40°C … +120°C -40°C … +120°C
过程压力 -0.1 ~ +2.5MPa -0.1 ~ +2.3MPa
安装连接方式 Thread G2-¼ or NPT
信号输出  4-20 mA (regular), or/ 4-20 mA/HART7, or/ (RS-485) Modbus, or/ IO-Link, or/ Ethernet-APL (option issue)

 Specifications for the digital measured value:

       Temperature drift - Digital output: ±1mm/10K relating to the max. measuring range or max. 15 mm

       Additional deviation through electromagnetic interference acc. to EN-61326: < ±10 mm 

Specifications apply also to the current output

       Temperature drift - Current output: ±0.02%/10K relating to the 16.7 mA span or max. ±0.2%

 Deviation in the current output due to digital/analogue conversion

       Non-Ex and Ex-ia version: < ±1μA; Ex-d-ia version: < ±1μA 

       Additional deviation through electromagnetic interference acc. to EN-61326: < ±150μA

现场指示器/调试方式 (LOI)

 1. 160x80 LCD FSTN RGB backlight monitor adapter with keyboard module, operation Temp. -20°C … 70°C. 

       or 128x64 OLED monitor adapter with keyboard module, operation Temp. -55°C … 80°C. (option) 

       or 230x240 LCD TFT colors monitor adapter with keyboard module, operation Temp. -20°C … 70°C. (option only for 4-wrie system) 

2. (APP) Radar MobileManager via BT wireless connection

3. (PC software) Radar PCManager /or Via a PC with PACTware/DTM (an interface converter AiW-305 USB CONNECT is required)

指示/调整 (LOI) (APP)通过蓝牙无线连接RadarMobileManager
测量输出更新率 < 3s. (Run-up time to get first Reading: <5s for RS485; <45s for mA loop) @UB=16VDC
适用供电电源 16V … 40 VDC / Load resistor > 500Ω (for mA version), 12V… 36VDC (for RS485 version)
无线通信规范 Bluetooth 5.0 (Bluetooth 4.0 LE compatible), communication range 40m, in rainy day 20m
认证证书  CLEx/CNEx: Ex ia IIC T6 Ga IP67; Ex d IIC T6 Gb IP67
产品外壳规格  Plastic POM or PTFE, IP67 / IP68
推荐应用工况 Liquids, solids, and corrosive environment applications
Document Download AiW-4120MPMC_120GHz Operation_Manual_DY0723



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