ANL-TFT320x240-彩色雷达液位计TFT LOI模块

CHINASIMBA TFT320x240彩色显示模块,是一款旨在提升用户体验、增强操作效率的高端解决方案。该模块采用高分辨率(320x240像素)彩色显示屏,色彩丰富,能为用户呈现生动的视觉体验和准确的雷达物位计操作数据。该模块专为黑暗、光线不足或寒冷环境设计,完美适配4线雷达物位计系统,提供全面的操作参数,使现场调试工作更加高效。

该模块具备IP67防护等级,确保在恶劣环境下也能可靠运行。外壳采用耐用尼龙材质,耐温范围从-20°C至70°C,湿度承受能力高达95%RH。其尺寸仅为Ø85mm x 26.3mm,重量不超过0.5kg,通过I²C端口供电,功耗极低(≤100mW),电压范围为+2.7V至+5.0V。该模块与多款ANL雷达物位计系列兼容,包括ANL-8260、ANL-8010 GW、ANL-9107、ANL-9127和ANL-9080系列,是各类工业应用中精确监控的理想选择。

價格: 0.00 USD


■ The CHINASIMBA TFT320x240-Colors display module (LOI),its high resolution(320x240) and rich display colors can provide users with a better customer experience. At the
same time, it provides more accurate and complete radar level gauge operation data/parameters, which makes the on-site debugging work more effective.
■ This module is suitable for 4-wire radar level transmitter systems and is the best choice for applications in dark, or poorly lit and cold process occasions.


显示屏类型 2.4” TFT 65K/262K colors model
视图方向 6 o’clock
数字通信类型 I2C
通信距离 < 2M
防尘防水 IP67
外壳材质 Nylon
工作温度 -20 ... 70 °C
工作湿度 ≤95%RH
过程压力 -0.1 ~ 0.1MPa
尺寸 Ø85mm x 26.3mm
供电电源 Powered by I2C port, (+2.7~5.0V / Max. current < 35mA)
功耗 ≤ 100mW
重量 ≤ 0.5kg
适配产品型号 ANL-8260 26GHz pulse radar level transmitter series,  4-wire specifications
ANL-8010 GW radar level transmitter series,  4-wire specifications
ANL-9107 24GHz FMCW radar level transmitter series,  4-wire specifications
ANL-9127 120GHz radar FMCW level transmitter series,  4-wire specifications
ANL-9080 80GHz radar FMCW level transmitter series,  4-wire specifications
Document Download ANL-TFT320x240-Colors Radar Level Gauge TFT LOI Module


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